by Vari Jones | Aug 21, 2023 | Media Releases
The New Zealand Council of Cargo Owners is underwhelmed by the long-awaited New Zealand Freight and Supply Chain Strategy released on Friday by the Ministry of Transport. “It is difficult to see how this is a ‘strategy’ said Chair Mike Knowles “It appears more of an...
by Vari Jones | Aug 7, 2023 | Advocacy
The NZCCO believes that all 13 ports should be regarded as critical infrastructure. Even the smallest ports play a critical role in their regional supply chains. There is some criticism of New Zealand for having too many international seaports but from a resilience...
by Vari Jones | Aug 4, 2023 | Media Releases
The New Zealand Council of Cargo Owners’ recent annual meeting was dominated by concern about the lack of a long-term multi-modal strategy for planning and building the supply chain infrastructure necessary to meet the country’s future freight task. NZCCO believes...
by Vari Jones | Apr 17, 2023 | Advocacy
We provide below detailed answers to the questions posed by the Commission, but at a high level, the Council is particularly concerned about the lack of resilience in New Zealand’s road and rail network. The Council believes that Government should identify essential...
by Vari Jones | Feb 3, 2023 | Advocacy
Submission from the New Zealand Council of Cargo Owners to the Environment Committee on the Natural and Built Environment Bill and the Spatial Planning Bill. The Council supports the submissions made by Business New Zealand and the New Zealand Port Company CEO Group...