Dear members
Thanks to all of those who forwarded a quick update on how COVID-19 is impacting their shipping supply chains. This is useful information for us to present an overall picture to government officials in ongoing discussions about COVID-19 impacts and mitigations.
Members of NZCCO’s executive committee met yesterday by video conference to discuss priorities for Council action at this time – key areas of discussion were the movement and devanning of non-essential containers to enable empties to return to the supply chain (we understand this is now being resolved), risk around capacity into NZ and the looming issue of blank sailings ex Europe (which we are following up with ICLC).
It was a valuable forum and we want to broaden this regular video-conference to all NZCCO members, to provide each of you with the opportunity to share your priority and emerging freight supply chain issues and have these discussed (and actioned wherever possible) in a timely manner. We recognise it’s an incredibly busy time for you all, so the meetings will be kept brief (approx. 30mins) with a tight agenda and there’s no need to rsvp in advance of your participation. If you’re available to log into a call please do so, and if not, no worries, we’ll circulate a quick summary of key discussion afterwards.
We’re looking at a regular slot of 9am on a Thursday morning using Teams for meetings as the meeting interface. There’s potential to add an alternative day/time if warranted i.e. two calls per week. I’ll circulate a meeting invitation for the first of the calls later today and we’ll take it from there.
Please download PDF for more details…